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Conception of icons and sacred items at Bujoreni
art critic
We wanted that all artists invited to
participate at the creation camp organized within the program “Summer workshops
Tradition and Post-modernism” to be young and enthusiast, to be dedicated
to this project and to endeavour through talent, imagination and skill to give
a new look to such location. Part of them also attended classes in order to
better understand the issues and goals of this program. Thus, the rooms and
porches of the wooden houses at the Valcea Village Museum were turned
temporarily into artistic workshops, where wood, glass, colours, tools of the
painters, sculptors and gravers met together for giving birth to some religious
items created in the spirit of tradition but bearing in the same time the
artistic contribution of every artist.
from the final exhibition. |
They painted icons for the church,
which was taking shape next to them, Mihai Coman and Gabriel Chituc bachelors in
monumental art, Suzana Dan, Dumitru Gorzo and Alexandru Rădvan bachelors
in painting (all three at the classroom of professor Florin Mitroi). Mihai and
Gabriel, as specialists in church art, painted the founder’s icon and the royal
ones as well as other icons representing some of the important saints of the
Orthodox culture. Suzana Dan created some wooden and glass icons choosing those
representations that better match her vision and style, whereas Dumitru Gorzo
from Maramures, Ieud village, painted in the exact manner used by his
predecessors, the glass icon makers form that historical region, even if he
used wood instead of glass. Alexandru Rădvan represented on glass classic
scenes mostly of the Old Testament, attempting to adapt to his vision on human
face the portraits of biblical heroes. The graphic designer Mircea Nechita,
original from Maramures – the Lapus Country, just as Gorzo, chose as artistic
expression the icon too. Instead, he used the techniques of the xilograving and
linogravurii, in order to create icons on paper, just like in the churches of
Translivania. His representations comply only partially with traditional
iconographic suggestions, which are mixed together with his particular artistic
vision, in a combination of profane and sacred elements.
Mircea Nechita was assisted during
this camp, by his son, Vlăduţ – the naughty boy, who made desperate
efforts to imitate his father’s gestures and to be paid attention as much. At a
certain moment, when his playful gestures get beyond his father’s patience,
Mircea thought it’s high time to give his son a correctional lesson, in the
upper room of the house in which he was working. From house next door, hearing
those few slaps on the buttocks of the child, who responded in somehow over
dimensioned manner, as any other spoiled lad will have done under those
circumstances, Suzana stated: ”I believe that no child has been punished here
over the last hundred years or so!” This detail is not just picturesque and
fun. Those days we all had the feeling that the Museum was not what it used to
be, being filled with life and being part of the most real and authentic
present times. There were people who created, laughed, changed ideas and left
the trace of their passing by in those rooms with ancient items that remained
untouched and unchanged from their places. We must say that Vladut has become
wiser since the last unpleasant event, and he continued to amuse us during
dinnertime, with his characterization made for each of us.
He was not the youngest participant
at the Workshops. Another little one, the son of the Scripcariu family, Ioan,
who practiced with audacity the crawling and standing through the grass of the
museum’s yard. Virgil Scripcariu, his father, bachelor of sculpture at the
class of professor Vasile Gorduz, together with Cătălin Udrea, former
student of the same maestro, and with Toma Gabor created the wooden furniture
of the church: a tetrahedron (Cătălin Udrea), an iconostas (Virgil
Scripcariu) and an archbishop’s throne (Toma Gabor).
At the exhibition that occurred on
the occasion of the program closing, all these icons and religious items were
displayed right inside the church that is to be religiously certified once it
finds its final location.
Icons made by Suzana Dan
Icons by Gabriel Chituc and Adriana Scripcariu
(right). Icons by Mircea Nechita. Icons by Dumitru Gorzo. Icons made by Mihai Coman and Dumitru Gorzo (right).
Works by Alexandru Radvan
Works by Valeriu Pantilimon and Alexandru Radvan
(right). |
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